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Factors That Can Cause Hair Loss

  • Drugs that induce hair loss (chemotherapy, antidepressive)
  • Heritability or genetics (hypotrichosis)
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Traction alopecia is caused by tight hair bands and hairstyles that pulled the root of the hair. Tricotillomania is also a mechanical trauma where the individual plucks out their own hair and sometimes is ingested.
  • Folliculitis is caused by bacterial, fungus infection or Dermodex, a little worm that lives on the follicle.
  • Telogen Effluvium is when hair loss is caused because the follicle goes into an inactive state. Usually after a stressful event, dietary deficiencies, postpartum, chronic illnesses, or exposure to toxins.
  • Androgenic alopecia is related to high levels of DHT that cause the hair follicle gets smaller and eventually incapable of supporting a healthy hair growth cycle.
  • Alopecia Areata is caused by an autoimmune disease.
caucasian teenage girl young woman student walking outdoors in park

The Structure of the Hair

The section of the hair that is visible is called the hair shaft and the one that lies under the skin is called the hair root. The hair root resides inside the hair follicle and the dermal papilla produces rapidly dividing cells into the hair follicle. The hair follicle supplies the root of the hair with the oxygen and nutrients needed during the growing phase and supports the hair during the transitional phase. The hair growth cycle consists of three stages:

  • Anagen Phase: where the hair growth is actively growing inside the follicle.
  • Catagen Phase: it’s a transitional phase, where the hair follicle pulls away from the dermal papillae and the hair stops growing.
  • Telogen Phase: the hair follicle remains inactive and the hair shaft usually stays in place until the follicle cycles back to the anagen phase where the new hair shaft emerges and pushes out the old one.
Laughing african woman drying her hair with a towel in the mirror

How to Stop and Restore Hair Loss

  • Eat a Healthy Diet: consume foods high in protein, carbohydrates, and minerals to revitalize your body. Have a blood test to make sure you are not deficient in vitamins, calcium, and iron as they will help your own human body cells regenerate. Drink a lot of water and eat whole-grain foods.
  • Avoid Excessive Hair Styling: constantly drying your hair by coloring, perming, and straightening hair can damage your hair follicles.
  • Regular Exercise: it increases the body’s metabolism rate, which speeds up the elimination of accumulated toxins. Exercise also increases blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair follicle growth.
  • Using Hair Growing Products: vitamins, biotin, folic acid, zinc, iodine.
woman enjoying the warm sunlight and tropical atmosphere with her eyes closed

Daily Routine

  • Scalp Massage as Soon as You Wake Up
  • Laser Cap Once a Day
  • Take Calcium and Vitamins


The brand name is Rogaine, a product that is sold over the counter as a foam for male and female pattern hair loss. It must be used indefinitely for the continued support of existing hair follicles and maintenance of any hair regrowth. Minoxidil can also be taken as a daily tablet.

Capillus or Lasercap

It’s a low-level laser hair regrowth therapy device used to strengthen hair follicles. It’s a hat with a rechargeable battery, recommended to use once a day for a few minutes. It’s painless and has no side effects.

Young adult female spending free time at home

Hair Transplant Surgery

The latest technique is the Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE) where a micro drill is used to extract a single follicular unit and implant it sutureless in the area of hair loss. When used a Robot is the most advanced technique.

Follicular Unit Transfer(FUT) is when a strip of skin is removed from the donor site and follicular units are directed under magnification. A running suture is used to close the linear incision. Its less expensive but the patient cannot exercise for a month and can leave a scar.

Schedule Your Hair Loss Consultation Today

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding hair loss treatments, please contact Adolescent & Women Medical Care today to schedule an individual consultation. You may contact us online using our secure form, or by calling 631-525-2503.

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